The M-Equipment Meidjo 2.1
Hier kommt das Top-Produkt für alle Touren-Telemarker in der verbesserten Version.
Super leicht und dabei auch noch äußerst geschmeidig aber mit Zug und guter Seitenführung zu fahren!
NUR für NTN-Schuhe mit TECH-Aufnahme geeignet!
- leichter Einstieg auch für TECH-Anfänger durch vorderen "Anschlag"
- Skibremsen optional in 95, 105 oder 120mm
- Its new anchoring system distributes the effort over 6 screws now allowing it to be mounted on fairly light touring skis.
- Its new heelrest with wings and even easier to use in touring and the new inner spring is much more powerful and reliable.
- The new ASP (antisnow pack) cover eliminates the risk of snowpack and allows an easy installation of the ski brakes.
- Finally, the new red bar (step in) and the modified towering plate will delight the most demanding users.
S für Schuhgöße Mondopoint 22,5 - 26
L für Schuhgöße Mondopoint 26,5 - 31
- Easy Step In : easy positionning interface of the shoe toe and automatic locking of the duck-but.
- Safety : the realeasa system can be easily tuned by using a 3 mm allen wrench
- Light weigth : 430 g per binding. It is the lightest modern telemark binding.
- Touring : « Free pivot » touring mode with the lowtech on the shoe toe and free heel. The spring box is locked onto the ski with the duck-but free.
- Powerfull : instant power when lifting the shoe. Immediate transition edge to edge. Reaalu progressive and continuous tension on the boot.
- 100% Made in France : Design, Produce and assemble in France.
diverses Zubehör bestellbar:
- Skistopper optional in 95, 105 oder 120mm
- Crampon interface : Permit to use Dynafit crampon onto Meidjo binding
- Alpin heel for MEIDJO Binding
- ResQski - Electronic ski finder for powder skiers that locates lost skis submerged under the snow till 30m under 1 m of snow. Integrate directly into the heel kit of MEIDJO
- ResQski - Electronic ski finder for powder skiers that locates lost skis submerged under the snow till 30m under 1 m of snow. Integrate directly on the ski